The construction of infrastructure is vital for the socioeconomic development of any country, as it facilitates trade, improves connectivity, increases security, and contributes to people's quality of life. Planning and building sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure has become increasingly important.
El Sadar stadium expansion
Northern region - Spain
Skiable platform
International - Andorra
International - Belgium
Bilbao port industrial shed
Northern region - Spain
Command Headquarters
Aragon - Spain
Shopping center parking
Northern region - Spain
Reyno de Navarra Pavilion
Northern region - Spain
Caldes de Montbui Parking
Catalonia - Spain
Pamplona line TAV
Northern region - Spain
La Sagrera station
Catalonia - Spain
This company has received aid co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF 2021-2027), for the execution of its R&D project "Development of a new reusable board for use in concrete formwork (TAENHOR)" (EXP-00163298 / IDI-20221105).
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Set of techniques which have for object the commercial strategy and in particular the market study.